We the Church of the Lutheran Church of Myanmar had conducted yearly seminars since 2008 at Kalay Myo Sagiang region. The Seminars was teaching by Pastor David Koenig Missionary and Pastor Todd Ohlmann Board of Mission Chairman CLC, USA and Pastor Mark Bohde.  We the Church of 56 congregation representatives are blessed physical and spiritually by their teaching and preaching the living word of God.

However, we the Church members are willing to learn and experience such leadership seminars from the man of God. Amen

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We are going to have seminars 3-6 March 2016 at Kalay Myo. The topic is 1.Paradoxes   2.Test the Spirits  3.A Theology of the Spirit  4.Encounters (on outreach) 5.Understanding Prophecy   6.Study of 5 Chapters in Daniel   7.Overview of John’s Gospel and the ‘I am’s’  8. Ps. 23   9.Consideration of Lent and Easter.

by: Pastor David Koenig CLC USA.

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We gives many thanking to our heavenly Father by his grace and mercy we could conducted the Seminars 1-8 March 2016. A hundred believers are attended the seminars and every night Pastor David Koenig  CLC USA has had preach and taught the word of God. Thank you for the fruitful ministry in our midst.