History and Background of the Church

I, on behalf of Pastor Kham Secretary of Church of the Lutheran Confession of Myanmar and on my own behalf, extended our warmest greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord Christ Jesus, from Myanmar!

We are likely to see the result of your contribution and consideration, discussion to bear a fruitful result if it is the perfect will of the Lord that our sister churches body establish a relationship to His glory and the growth and edification of the Church in Myanmar.   

We were formerly independent local Baptist congregations without affiliating ourselves with any denomination. However, when we come to understand more fully about the doctrine and government of the Lutheran Church, which we accepted wholeheartedly, we organized ourselves into Chin State Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1999, which we changed to Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church in 2003 because of churches planted beyond the Chin State. Rev. Bishop Isaac Moon, President of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Rev. N. Kaizanang, Executive Secretary of the Eastern Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manipur State of India came to Khenman village of which the former President Rev. Pau Za Khen Tombing was the village chief and the pastor as well, and inaugurated the Lutheran Church with 26 families on April 17, 1999. The Church was later registered with the Myanmar government as the UMELC. The single congregation at Khenman village has now grown to 56 local congregations with a total membership of 5630 with nine ordained ministers who are assigned a minimum of five congregations each or more depending on the distance.

Brief Summary of the Church:

  • Total membership: 5630
  • Member of congregations  56,
  • Number of Ordained Pastors 9 and Church Workers 3 : Totals 12

The visions and dreams of the Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church (UMELC) may be summarized briefly as following: We want the UMELC to grow into a vibrant and edified Church to proclaim the Word of God’s without adulteration as taught by Martin Luther and the other reformers. We are praying for the chance of sending out missionaries and evangelists to the unreached tribes in the hill areas of Burma.

Upper Myanmar is primarily a tribal zone where the people are poorer than the rest of the country. As a Lutheran Church we are isolated and out of fellowship with other Lutheran bodies because of the area location of our Church. We also need the prayers and good-will of other brothers and sisters without which our growth is extremely slow. However, we had changed our church name as Zomi Lutheran Church of Myanmar. It is the congregations has would likely to changed the church name because of the census was taken on April 2014 by the Myanmar government and our congregations is a group of ethnic people that is Tedim, Saizang, Dim, Teizang, sihzang, ngawn, paite, Gangte, Simte, phaileng, vangteh so on are called ZOMI.

Rev.Khen tombing

Rev. Pau Za Khen tombing

We the Church were mourned and deeply sad certain suddenly beheaded and abducted death of Rev. Pau Za Khen Tombing on 4 July 2007. No organization or individual claimed the responsibility for the crime. We do not know the reason behind the action was. He was the founder president of Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church minding his own businesses, supervising the 56 congregations that he had been organized.  However, I the secretary of UMELC Rev. Thang khan kham was ministering the Executive Committee meeting asked them all of the E/C members to elect new president. We all concurred newly President Rev. Huat Khan Thang tombing was elected because his Father faithfulness and boundless love of the church, the son will also catering and following his Father leadership footstep to extending God’s Kingdom in the day to come.

CLC Visitor’s reached to Myanmar


Extensive correspondence was carried on by the Secretary of the Mission Board, Pastor Ohlmann with the Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church beginning in February and carrying on into the spring. It was proposed to have a visitation by CLC representatives to the UMELC. This was approved at a June meeting of the Mission Board.

October – A visitation was carried out to the UMELC by Mission Board member Larry Hansen, Mark Bohde (missionary in Thailand) and David Koenig. A two day seminar was held with attendance at 70-80. The executive committee of fifteen men was met with as well as having discussions with individuals. It would appear that we are in agreement on the Word. We are making plans as to how we can continue the contact and see how we can assist the UMELC.



A three days seminar was held attended by 66 registered men and all 56 congregations were represented by at least one man. Translation work and printing continues to allow all pastors and elders to have our teachings in print before them. The catechism has been distributed throughout the church. A motorcycle was given to the President of the ZLCM to allow him to travel to the churches more easily. Land is being investigated as a site for a church, offices, housing and classroom. One of the evangelists is working among Burmese soldiers at a military camp. What a joy to see the outreach and the receptivity of these people to the pure Word.



The CLC-USA at their Jubilee Convention in June declared fellowship with the ZLCM. Our prayers are for a growing relationship to work together to spread the Word. Pastor Koenig was present in the country for two weeks in November. A four day seminar was held in Kalay with over 80 participating. All congregations were represented. Meeting with the Executive Committee a number of items were discussed on how we can help. We continue to pray and work toward the purchase of land in Kalay that can serve as a site for: a church bldg., housing for Pastors Thang and Kham and families, a room where teaching can go on of men interested in the ministry of the ZLCM. An opportunity arose to conduct a two day seminar in Yangon on what the Lutheran church teaches. Pastor Edwards there was interested in learning more about the CLC and giving the people information on Lutherans. Over 40 attended.




Land was purchased with help from the CLC on which to begin to build a church and other buildings. Pastor Kham was able to attend the Joint Asian English Pastoral Conf. in Chennai, India Oct. 13-14 representing the CLCM. Pastor Koenig went to in the country for two weeks and able to conduct a four day seminar from Dec. 5-8 at Kalay. Mark and Carlton Bohde planned to come, but did not obtain visas. Meetings were also held with the executive committee of 17 men on a variety of subjects.





There are geographically seven states and seven divisions in Myanmar. Namely, the seven states are: KACHIN, KAYA, KAREN, CHIN, RAKHINE, MON, SHAN; and the seven divisions are: YANGON, MANDALY, MAGWAY, SAGAING, TANINTARY, PAGO, IRAWADY.

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As a whole, majority of ZLCM churches are located in Chin State and our head office is Located at Munlai Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division, where any foreigners are allowed to visit at freely, without any restriction.


There are more than 35th ethnic groups in Myanmar, among them we are so called ZOMI and our main objectives, visions and burden is to proclaim the word of God and make disciples all over the Country (matt 28: 19). There are 95% of them are the Buddhists and the rest among 25% of them are from various religious backgrounds and among the whole Christian population the Tribal Ethnics are majority. Sadly to see that though the harvest is great the labors are less (Matt 9: 37-38).

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Especially among the Chin state we are different languages and ethnic group: – there are Tedim, Hakha, Falam, mindat, Matupi , Kanpalet, thantalan, Paletwa . We are so called Zomi. Among these tribes we the ZOMI were living Tedim District, Tonzang District and Cikha District.



It is my main concern to share you the livelihood struggle of our daily conditions. There are three seasons so called (summer, rainy, winter) etc. We are living in various parts of the Chin hill and by cultivation all of us working for our live survival vigorously. We cut the trees and burn, plow the soil and sow the seeds such as paddy, maize, various beans, and all kinds of vegetables.

However, the plenty harvest is uncertain due to wild beasts and animals unexpectedly come and destroy in the field every harvest time. The handfuls of harvest we receive from the fields are not sufficient for the whole years to run. Most of us are living in under-poverty line that our government also neglected our tribal groups in all aspects. Thus, we are no regular income a parts from our poorly cultivation and there are unfairly and force collection made to us by the government.

There are few government workers getting salary yet due to low payment and high cost of the goods in our country majority of the family pitifully struggling for their own survival and even could not send their children to school and as a result many of optimist children are forced to work in the field almost twelve hours a day.

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We are in reality, politically oppressed, socially, marginalized, economically exploited, educationally, neglected and religiously threatened by our government. Fear is constant and our lives are insecure. Knowing all the reasons behind, our mission work is under the hindrances of all these circumstances.





We the CLCM Church have 12 workers, among them there are nine pastors and two Evangelists and one peon.  There are 56 congregations (villages) and each Pastor divided 6-7 villages for their pastoral works. Once in a month they visit the villages that they are assigned. The evangelists are permitted to go every villages and conducting camps and conference as the situation permit. Obviously, Evan. Mang ventured with his level best telling the love of God to among the Buddhist militants in Kalaymyo downtown. There are three schools run by ZLCM due to restriction of our government, the schools are closed.


However, it is our prayer and vision to get permission to reopen those schools in the near future. It is our wish and prayer to remember in your prayer of having some more the Holy Bible (in Zomi), by every CLCM church members, many of them us not able to purchased even yet. Due to struggling for survival of daily living many of them did not able to give attention on listening the word of God which is the main hindrance for growing spiritually.

By god’s grace we the CLCM could distributed 254 Zomi Bible and twenty of Burmese Bible to the 56 congregation from the helps of CLC, U S A through our brother’s David his faithfulness and sincerity for the Kingdom of God. Especially our Burmese missionary Mr. Mang has the Burmese Bible were distributed to Myanmar military camp. And also he was very hard working among them without getting or earned from any man such physically supports. But he is continuing the works of the Lord in the field of Myanmar (Buddhist). We the CLCM pray for him as successful missionary worker in the days to come.

In this early year we the CLCM were mourned and hearts felt  to our beloved pastor Tual Za Dal was went with to the Lord to our heavenly Father rest in peace on 25 March. 2011.

We have been conducting cum Executive Committee meeting and Bible Seminar once in a year and negotiating to pioneer actively for the extension of God’s Kingdom in Myanmar.

It was a joy and most pleasant helps that we received from CLC are; Luther’s Small Catechism (in Zomi), Lutheran Agenda (Pastor Khutlet), Doctrinal Teachings (In Zomi). And for the Secretary one Laptop computer, Printer, Inverter & battery, one China Motorcycle for the Chairman so far, etc.

In the years of 2010 we were very grateful to our beloved brother’s pastor David has brought for us as especial gifted from CLC, USA. That was two Motorcycles for the secretary Pastor kham, and as well other Pastor Tual Za Dal and house rental of the Chairman and Secretary of CLCM. And also Pastor David was privately contributed the twenty Burmese Bible to Burmese and 254 Zomi bibles to our Churches.

We request to all of you please remember and pray for our brother’s CLCM for the Church building (church, office, pastor quarter, and a home for Children). We need more project and fund of resources from God and your prayer helps.

It is a great joyous and tremendous harvest in the midst of us of CLCM. Our missionary Mang has visited to the one of Burmese military camp as a home cell once in a week. Sometime he has facing difficulties and struggling to tell about Jesus and made them friendships no allow at all entering the camp. But his faith was strong and full of spirit, willing doing the will of Him without getting supports any sources.

The Lord is so good and faithful to upon his servant telling about gospel to the couple of Burmese military. The missionary teach them the small catechism, baptism, communion and about salvation as their own personal savior Jesus Christ so that the spirit of the Lord spoken to the Burmese military couple and they accepted Jesus Christ as their own personal savior converted to a Christian. I gave them baptism this couple newly Christian.

Let them pray for this newly converted Burmese military couple. They need everything to learn more about Jesus, bible and as a good Christian living by faith among the Buddhist. Their salary is inadequately to maintain themselves for their family life. I pet 2:2-3

In Myanmar the harvest are more plenty, your prayer can change life of the people and win the lost souls. Gal 6:9

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      Name of Pastor


Name of Chairman Name of Villages
Rev. Huat Khan Thang      tombing



Rev. Thang Khan Kham












Rev. Dai Sian Thang Pa Nunham Khenman,mauvom,cikha, haicin,vanglai,lingthuk,khuadam, kansau
Rev. Cin Lian Mung Pa Hau Khan Mung




Tuimang,sekpi,vaivet,saipimau, keltal,guasing,tualzang,


Rev. Dal Za Kam  Pa Gin Dong Keizang,Thangzang,Tualmu,



Rev. Peter Kam


Pa Thang Do Pau Kalaymyo,Tonzang,kaptel,Suangsang,



Rev. Suan Deih Mang Pa Kham Za Khup Darkhai,suangzang,tuilang,seitual,



Rev.Mal Sawm Thang Pa Kai Za Dal Tuimui,talek,suangbem,tauleng,



Rev.Piang Khan Chin Pa Mang Aung

Pa Kawl suum



Tualnuam tuivel,ngente,


Pastor Nengkhawkhai


Intern Pastor To all CLCM congregation
Pastor Lian Khup Evangelist To all CLCM congregation
Evan Dim Lian Mang Missionary Buddhist
Mr. Thang sin khai Missionary Buddhist


The CLCM prayer request and objectives:-

  1. To win the lost souls to Christ.
  2. To send missionaries in remote areas around Myanmar.
  3. To take care the orphans.
  4. To train all the believers.
  5. To stand firm a vibrant Lutheran confession Church in Myanmar.
  6. To bring the lights of the gospel to the unreached area in Myanmar.
  7. To empower them the youth activities.


Believing and trusting on God, CLCM have future mission planning as follow:

  1. A  acres for Headquarter,
  2. To open a home for children
  3. Conducting regular Bible Conference for Pastors and deacons.
  4. Sending Evangelists and Missionary (100) in Myanmar with ten years.
  5. To open Lutheran Theological College and Boarding School for secular.


It included for the head Office, Church, Conference hall, Theological College & Seminar, and secular High School Boarding and Children, destitute for a home.



It is intended for nurturing and caring the orphanage children through the word of God secular education to be future Christian workers. As a poverty laden country, there are orphans and deserted children are a burden in our area. When we see them every day we are filled with love and compassion. We are praying the Lord to give us the chance to help these helpless in our midst.



As under poverty-line and undeveloped country we are in, And to promote, equipment and sharpening the Pastors and Deacons both spiritually and physically.




There are about six to seven village churches shepherding by one Pastor and the obligation of the evangelist is to preach at any CLCM congregations without boundary. A missionary is to settle at one place especially among the Buddhist and preaching the word of God. The 95% of the population is the Buddhist and without Christ Jesus.

There are seven divisions which is our main objective to send seven Missionary in the near futures.



It is our deeply desire to open an oriented Lutheran training institute, where we can train, equip and mold many young men to be future CLCM church Leaders, Evangelist, Missionary and educator, and social worker to dynamic instruments for the extension of God’s Kingdom in Myanmar. And the Secular Boarding we CLCM intend to be starting from primary to high school, where those unable children would get free education through this boarding school.


May the honor and all the glory be to Him forevermore, it is our Vision, prayer, hope, burden to work together, to suffer together with unity and love for the extension of God’s Kingdom in Myanmar. Amen.


With love and thanks in Him,



Pastor Huat Khan Thang Tombing                        Pastor Thang Khan Kham

Chairman, CLCM                                                                    Secretary, CLCM